Who We Are?

About USMA

The main focus is to promote USMA and create a platform for our Malayalee community in Scotland which can unite and strengthen their bonds in friendly manner and same time be inclusive to diversity in view of public benefit (reference guide OSCR, public benefit). This is essential to do so as they all are geographically spread over Scotland with their job’s.
The purposes of USMA are:
• The advancement of education through the provision of literacy skills by teaching mother tongue of children who are born and brought up in Scotland and who find it difficult to communicate with others in the Malayalee community such as grandparents or family members back home.
• The advancement of the arts, heritage and culture through the celebration of Malayalee’s culture, arts, dance and traditional Kerala food festival and traditional wear.
• The promotion of religious or racial harmony by actively providing opportunities for members of the Malayalee community to integrate into the wider Scottish community.
• The relief of poverty, distress and suffering of any persons who are the victims of natural disasters including flooding in Kerala.
USMA will not get involved directly or indirectly with any part of political, religious, commercial organizations and trade union activities. This decision was made as part of our constitution. Every member of USMA has agreed to this decision and in the event of the violation in any forms the panel will take action as per the policy. All of our activities are purely based on no profit. The activities are organized and conducted purely in an orderly manner and no committee member is salaried to do so.


Dr. Susan Romel
President - USMA

I take immense pleasure in writing this preface for USMA far from ‘ God’s own country’. The thought of making an association like this has been budding for many years and finally has been successful with the efforts of many who have worked day and night to make it a dream come true. The website explains the clear ethos and the reasons behind having an association like this and I would really be grateful for anyone who can come forward and pen their views to improve or critique the website.
We need to grow and the general public need to know who we are, what our roots are and what are we trying to achieve being in this country. It is indeed onerous for anyone to come from a totally different culture and background to settle into this new culture, adapt and also become a citizen here.
We as an USMA want to bring the two different cultures closer, be helpful in whatever way to anyone, bring a positive change and foremost teach our young ones the importance of cultural heritage at the same time.
It is an indeed a proud moment for anyone to speak our mother tongue and I feel it is such a wonderful language with so many twangs not heard anywhere and as USMA we want to promote out language amongst the young ones through various possible activities.
On this occasion I would like to congratulate everyone for having our own website and also being registered as a charity organisation. All the malayalees in Scotland should be proud of this moment.
I hope that these unprecedented times will soon end and we can meet each other for some relaxing USMA cultural programmes.



Anil Thomas
Secretary - USMA

The Malayalee are an ethno-linguistic group native to the South Indian state of Kerala and the Union Territory of Lakshadweep and have the Malayalam language as their mother tongue.
United Scotland Malayalee Association [ USMA ] extends our helping hands to many organisations and individuals since we started in 2018.Each year we focus on selected charities and support them with a host of different activities and events.Our aim is to provide financial treatment aid to those who are really struggling with fatal diseases and incidents. It’s a great platform to work together with different associations/ congregation to promote traditional cultural activities, learn Malayalam and calibrate our children’s to be in professional levels in their arts and talents. We provide
advice and help to international Malayali students during their studies in Scotland. We assist non-governmental and governmental agencies in U.K and India with similar objectives & activities.
Requesting all malayalies and organisations to be part of USMA and we work together for the betterment of all Malayalies in Scotland.
Unite we stand, Divide we fall

Best Wishes
Anil Thomas


Dr. Rajmohan
Treasurer - USMA